Before we dip further into the Nodes of Fate, allow me to set the stage with the larger cycles that are now beginning to make their presence felt.
- In November of 2024, Pluto finally moved into Aquarius where it will stay until 2044. Aquarius is the energy of innovation, technology and letting your freak flag fly….
- Saturn and Neptune will be playing leapfrog, leaving Pisces and entering Aries…then, going back again to Pisces….and back to Aries to join Chiron – which is a LOT of loud Aries energy! These important karmic planets rolling through the 29 degrees of Pisces and the 0 degree of Aries is nothing short of the Universe saying “you suuuuure? You sure you want that?” only for us to say yes…and then no….and maybe yes again.
- It takes Saturn 29 years to go the full circle of all the zodiac signs, Uranus 84 years, Neptune 165 years and Pluto, a whopping 248 years. In short, this major shifting energy has never happened before.
We pay attention to these larger, generational cycles because they are the backdrop on which we live our lives. They are context. Would we care about Wi-Fi & cell service in the 1850’s? Would the worries about nuclear war or international events have even registered with us in the 1400’s? Nope. Not a bit. We were too focused on our own lives, raising children and getting food on the table. That part will always be important to us.
Once we satisfy those basic needs, we start creating dreams for ourselves. We start to want more – and look to the Universe for clues as to “what is my purpose in this life?” And THAT is what the Nodes of Fate will tell you. Currently, the Nodes (Nodes are points in the ellipsis around the Moon – they are not planets or asteroids – just a mathematical point) are in Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node). The North Node shows where you’re going in this life, your mission & purpose, the thing you’re here to learn (it will be brand new to you) and the South Node is your past life, past life skillset and what you’re already good at.
For the past 18 months, the North Node in Aries has been pushing us (collectively) to step into leadership roles, take action and blaze new trails. The South Node is concerned about the relationship more than the individual, it cares about diplomacy and in a Shadow aspect, Libra can be a people pleaser. So humanity is being asked to step up and take the lead – when that happens, the South Node can be activated in a helpful (diplomatic) way – but ceases to be a pushover. Now, in your natal chart, you have a personal North and South Node – these are your own personal mission & purpose coaches — they push us and reward us for our entire lives. If you have the Aries North Node and Libra South Node, it’s likely this past year and a half (that’s how long the nodes stay in a pair of signs) you’ve seen real evidence of opportunities for leadership come across your path. If you have a Libra North Node and an Aries South Node (known as a “nodal reversal”) your job is to look back about 10 years and see what was happening. You’re now being asked to integrate those lessons.
In January of 2025, the Nodes will shift into Pisces (North Node) and Virgo (South Node) – the Nodes always are in retrograde. The lessons for humanity will now shift from leadership/diplomacy to Karma clearing, Spiritual Healing and Creativity (Pisces) and once we go in this direction, the health and wellbeing (Virgo) can be achieved. It’s a pretty tall order and since Pisces is the sign of Karma, whoooo doggie, you will see some crazy things. You may also see regular encounters with UFOs and Extraterrestrial (and how these things have been kept secret) – this information will become mainstream, how major (even sacred) institutions have keep horrendous secrets only to be exposed on the World Stage, our connection to the Universe become more visible to most of us and there will be mass Spiritual Awakenings.
Now – what about personally? How might these once in a Millenia shifts in astrology impact you personally? The key is – all of these cycles are happening ALL AT ONCE. You are a complex being and this is an *everything, all the time, all at once” kind of experience. Here’s how to work with the shifts. All of the major cycles I’ve mentioned at the beginning of this article are shifting and changing life as we know it. This is a very powerful, Spiritual time in history to be alive. You are here for this exact experience – and the gifts that have laid dormant over the years will now begin to open up. This Nodal Shift into the sign of Pisces is the closing of the Age of Pisces. This Age began with the birth of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. We’re now making a new shift into the Age of Aquarius. The Collective Awakening is the main feature of our time. Your particular Nodal pair – Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius, Cancer/Capricorn, Leo/Aquarius or Virgo/Pisces will show you your path to the Superpower you possess. To combine these with your own awareness of your Life Lessons & Primal Wound (Chiron) and how these lessons get taught and learned (Saturn) brings the Global Awakening right to your front door. This is why you’re here. Divine timing, indeed.
If you’re interested in understanding your own mission & purpose by learning about your North and South Node, we are making our North Node Mastery Course part of the Compass Astrology Extra Pack – available to everyone at a one time, very special price. Check it out if you’re looking for ways to understand how your life is about to unfold and activate your Magic!
I’m in!
Thanks Mary Jo!
I appreciate you!💞
Thank you for sharing tour
knowledge. It is a guiding light.
Thank-you MaryJo, I’ve been following you at least since 2019. I believe you. Everything you offer seems to be right on. Thanks for bringing it all out in the open.
You are awesome, and I thank you for sharing your wisdom!