Marsha from Salty Mama Soul Tribe

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Marsha from Salty Mama Soul Tribe

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery?!!? Imagine a sacred space for introspection, healing, and empowerment where we will commune with Spirit and open a portal to understanding the intricate tapestry of your very own soul. With compassion and a keen intuitive insight, I will assist you in making informed choices and embracing the spiritual guidance that surrounds you, exists...

Lanita – True Face Tarot

An ever curious, eclectic mystic of the Pacific Northwest; Lanita is an intuitive tarot reader, energy healer, and plant spirit alchemist. Always learning and evolving, she utilizes shamanic practices, is trained in past life regression hypnosis, and has a heavy background in Christianity. All of this colors her readings, as well as nature, music, poetry, and the endless array of passions...

Amy Milillo – Navigating the Divine

Ready for a transformative journey? Meet Amy, your guide in "Navigating the Divine." As an Intuitive Tarot & Oracle Reader, she goes beyond glimpses into the future, offering portals to profound self-discovery. Amy's communion with the spirit world sets her apart, channeling insights that resonate with your essence. Her mission is clear—empowering you to embrace your true self and navigate...

Dez – The Intuitive Lotus

My name is Dez. I’m an Intuitive Tarot Reader & Psychic Medium. I use numerology, Western Astrology, and sometimes messages from the other side to dive deeper into the energies. I’ve been communicating with Spirit since childhood; and have been reading Tarot for over 30 years. I’m the true definition of a Sag - a real straight shooter. So if you’re looking for fluff and froo-froo, I’m not...

The Awakened Jenn

Jennifer Halliburton | Multidimensional Channeler & Spiritual Guide I don’t just read tarot—I channel deep, multidimensional truth. I bridge the seen and unseen, translating energy into messages that heal, awaken, and realign you with your highest path.