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September Soul-stice: Embracing Spiritual Renewal!

Were you excited to go back to school as a kid? If not, you will be NOW!

Well, we all know what time of year this is: back to school time and I’m stepping up to deliver on some of the REQUESTS you guys have made of us over the summer. The really juicy learning that delivers in shifting lives and changed futures. Check out the new offerings for September at the bottom & grab your slot – space will be limited!

First, a little announcement: (cue trumpet TA DA sound!) Some of you know about our Heart Healing Group and friend of the Channel, Jen Huber (Shamanic healer extraordinaire). She’ll be part of a special set of classes and offerings that she & I will develop over the coming months that will help you move through your healing and assist you in your continued ascension process. Here at Soulful Revolution, the messages are flowing about stepping into healing and I’m feeling called to help you take that next step. Now, it won’t be as hard as you think with Jen & I taking an active role in guiding you. We will work together every step of the way.

Equally as important is how my Tarot & Astrology practice will be EXPANDING. In the next few months, you’ll see our Tarot Certification graduates front and center & ready to deliver PRIVATE READINGS – that’s long been a request! I may jump in the fray from time to time and make some private slots available, too. In addition, I’ll share with our Birth Chart Mastery Group methods to figure out your birthtime (a LOT of you have asked for this kind of help) and I’ll also share with you how to discover the best places on the planet for you to grow, love, change and learn (Astrocartography). Watch this space for more astrology offerings. Watch this space for more details.

And Pathfinders, you’re in for a treat as well. I’m going to be delivering a free class on re-programming your mind – to overcome resistance & get back into alignment so you can manifest literally ANYTHING you want! This is an exciting offering I’ve been working on for sometime now and I’m thrilled to deliver it to you, my darling Pathfinders. I’m so grateful for you all.

So much has flooded into my life & experience over this past few months, I am feeling an increasing need to take that leap with you. To lead courses, classes, adventures and go in new & creative directions. The Pathfinders Group, the Birth Chart Mastery Group and the Healing Heart Group have all helped to heal my heart & I am everlastingly grateful.

To that end, I will begin by sharing a download with all of you, the closest and most highly valued Tribe: Becoming Water.

EXERCISE to Move Through Resistance :

If you feel a calling – a lure, a drive – to something that is not familiar or well-understood, and you feel resistance around it, the solution is to become water.

Water is boundless, flowing and free. It becomes it’s container and when the temperature goes up, it becomes steam (a vapor, air); when the temperature drops, it becomes ice (a solid). Instead of going up into your head (steam) or becoming too unyielding & rigid (ice), move through any resistance to the future by imagining yourself as a flowing river stream…moving around rocks and obstacles, giggling and laughing as you roll through the corners and gain power by recognizing how connected you are to all of nature and all that flow around you.

Allow Spirit to guide you by becoming the flow….pick up your feet and see where the flow takes you. Meditate on this for a few minutes – or as long as you like – and feel the resistance melt away.

Using presence exercises & affirmations to Re-Program Your Subconscious MIND – MJ has been working with several methods of changing how you think, identifying the stories you tell yourself that hold youback, & re-wiring your brain for success in any area of your life.

This class is being offered FREE to all members of our Pathfinders Group (and open to all others by clicking the button below) to help you work with this process that can change your life in JUST 30 Days.

Join our Pathfinders Group and grab this free class – those not part of Pathfinders (why not?) will be able to grab this session via the link below.

  • September 7th

Another opportunity many of you have asked for is a weekly shift my energy spa. Every Monday, Jen invites you to join her for the Energy Spa: Raise Your Vibration energy session. Each Monday – sometimes LIVE, sometimes recorded – you’ll be treated to a refreshing energy clearing session to help get you into your week flying with good vibrations.

  • Starts: Monday, September 25th

Some of you getting this newsletter have met Jen Huber, Shamanic Guide, Connection Coach and friend of the channel.  MJ & Jen will lead a new course, Self-Love vs. Self-Care (and how to accomplish BOTH). Jen is also going to take us through a healing journey that helps us identify those parts of us that need most care and love. This life-changing workshop has the power to unlock your biggest *worthiness wounds* and gently bring you back into manifesting power.

  • September 19th

And that is all just in September!! October will bring even more cool classes, opportunities to meet and work personally with me and more…

At long last – Operation Launch – the updated Spiritual Business Course is BACK this fall with some exciting NEW Content: I will deliver on past promises to help you shine in the world & share your gifts by giving you the secrets to being on camera in a powerful way. Also, in Operation Launch, this fall I will deliver a new session on powerfully aligning your business by incorporating Spiritual Principles in your business.

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