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October 2024 Themes: The 3D makes way for the Call of the Soul

We’re going to barely welcome in October – the final quarter of this *pivot* year 2024 – when we get the final Eclipse of 2024.

In the sign of Libra, this is as much a *tying up of loose ends* and old chapters (especially in love) as it is a drawing up of the plans for the future. Almost like the two chapters are passing each other on the street. It’s that tight a shift.

The Annular Solar Eclipse (new moon) will be at 10 degrees, 3 minutes of Libra at 11:49a Pacific Time. Eclipse energy is strong activation and you can expect – depending upon where it is in your chart – some feeling of an ending and a new beginning, all happening at once. It may be a little confusing and you may have some Aries fireworks (probably privately) as you cheer your ability to embrace your new boundaries –but with a feeling of sober reflection as you’re aware of how the other person might feel at this moment.

Since Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini, very soon afterward (Oct 9), you may realize there’s more to say, but it may be too late. That ship has sailed. If you do get another chance, make the most of it and be sure to keep an eye on the big picture, where you’re headed, and not fall into feeling too wishy washy about that boundary you so carefully crafted. Pluto, after all, is now sailing directly toward Aquarius (October 11) and full steam ahead, Captain! The future awaits!

A little hitch in the giddyup happens when Jupiter goes retrograde and that is going to put us in a contemplative mood – even as we’re looking to the future. There can be a lot of opening up to ideas and thinking that would have seemed impossible just a few years ago.

What may be important to ponder during these waning months of 2024 is the closing up of chapters that (likely) needed to be finished many years ago. Some of you may feel the need to clear the decks and immediately turn in a very different direction in your life: your Soul is calling.

There’s going to be a distinct shift – a palpable shift – from the day to day relationship you have with yourself and others to a more philosophical tone. Not in words….but in feelings. After this transition time (the last three months of this year) we’re going to be able to start giving it a name. We may not even have a word for where we’re headed. It’s mystical and connected to the Divine, but it’s….bigger than that. More collective, more inclusive.

There will be twists and turns to close out 2024, which we’ll talk more about in the November and December newsletter. But for now, allow the time with Jupiter turning back in on itself and Pluto charting a course for the future to be a time of peace and expanded love to reign supreme.

One Comment


MJ you have been so spot on these last few days – like you are speaking to me directly. I’m a Libra rising with my ascendent at 12 degrees. I’m slowing poking my head around each corner just waiting for the boom! Thank you for all you do!


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