Welp, the first few days of September do not disappoint.
Heading into September we have Venus *finally* feeling delicious again as she heads into one of her signs of rulership: LIBRA. So…this is gonna feel good. Especially to those of you who have a lot of Libra in your chart.
Taurus, the other sign of Venus’ domain, only gets a few days of joy out of it before Uranus goes retrograde in it’s backyard. That has been in a set-up phase for a few months so you’re probably ready for a shift in your finances or where you’re living, especially if it’s out of synch with where you’re going. September 1, Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus. So, some new surprises may show up that light the way!
Pluto is still in retrograde but also on September 1, it pops back into Capricorn to do a bit of tying up loose ends. Anything you’re not too sure about letting go? Capricorn will certainly shine some light on the subject, in it’s pushy, authoritative way, and get you to commit.
The New Moon in VIRGO slaps us awake and tells us to *snap out of it!* with a loud bang! What’s not healthy for you might become really exacerbated or irritated – so much so you’ll finally do something about it! This energy is very good for *getting real* and if you’re in a relationship that’s been a little….unclear…..this energy might make the difference.
Happily, Mars moves into Cancer on September 4th and that means we’re feeling even more likely to follow our heart. So that *get real* New Moon (opposite to the retrograding SATURN, no less, in Pisces – with Neptune right there) gives you some powerful manifesting energy in the right direction! Fantasy begone….we’re on the path to making healthy change!
I’ve got more to tell you….but I want to interject here that each of these movements correspond with a House in your own natal chart. Each House is a facet of your life, so if you want to know how you might be impacted personally, go here on my website and grab your free birth chart and start sleuthing! You can also jump into the Pathfinders Group or my bi-weekly Understanding Astrology group and ask me questions LIVE.
These energies are pretty strong so far, but when you weave them all together, and it’s even more powerful.
The placement of Pluto retrograding at 29 degrees Capricorn, Uranus retrograding at 27 degrees Taurus and first Venus passing 29 degrees of Virgo, then the Sun at 245 degrees Virgo in late degrees during the Partial Lunar Eclipse (full moon) is creating a Grand Trine. All Earth signs are being *activated* during this Eclipse. That means you can have changes or shifts in the foundations of certain aspects of your life (depending upon which Houses these signs reside in in your Natal Chart).
NOW…The Full Moon in Pisces, Partial Lunar Eclipse on September 17 is really bringing to light those aspects of our lives where we have lived in a fantasy land….The Eclipse energy will help us clear any aspects of our lives that are karmic in nature – and ask us to rethink & retool. Karmic lessons and the energy of Spiritual Growth are the goal – not something you can do if you’re living in a fantasy world. Expect to be knocked off your chair by one or more realizations and aha moments about the behavior of others or of yourself.
This is the first of TWO ECLIPSES – the second one, a New Moon Eclipse at 10 degrees LIBRA in early October. These Eclipses mark the first real sign of a shift in the Nodes of the Moon, our Spiritual Calling in life, from Aries North Node, Libra South Node (where it’s been since July 2023) into North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo – where it will go in January 2025. This is a massive change in the energy.
As a Collective, we’re going to be asked to shift into the Axis of Service from the Axis of Relationship. If you have a lot of planets in Pisces and Virgo, or if you have your personal North Node/South Node in the signs of Pisces/Virgo or in the 12th and 6th Houses, this energy is calling to you! The AXIS of SERVICE is a your Spiritual Calling. Some of you are healers or teachers or oracles…and this next year and a half is going to bring these gifts to center stage in your life.
If you’d like to learn more about the North and South Nodes and how you’ll be impacted, check out my North Node Basics or Master Class in this very important topic here.
In the meantime, buckle up, buttercup. September is going to be a wild ride!
Thanks for explaining why I’m experiencing everything especially with my “unclear” relationship. Its as clear as day now. Before I felt like I was in murky water then it just cleared up. Crystal clear! I’m out of that relationship, no tears, no heartache, just over it. Thanks for the clarification…as usual. 💜
My life blew up in mid September. Didn’t read this til today 2/18/2025. It was right on the money. No more 18 year relationship. I cannot believe it went like that. No kidding buckle up buttercup is right!