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January 2025

We could talk for a very long time about the impact of the shifts of Uranus into Gemini or the Nodes of Destiny shifting from Aries & Libra into Pisces & Virgo. We could wax poetic about the Mars opposition(s) to Pluto and how you might want to not talk to anyone on those particular days.

But I’m interested in this: which part of 2025 should I prepare for? What part of 2025 will be the best to launch my new business venture? Where will love likely show it’s (elusive) face again?

So – let’s focus on those questions, shall we?

The most dynamic parts of the year really focus on these: Very early January, the middle to the end of March, the end of April, the months of June and August.

After August, we’ll be catching our breath and integrating all the change that 2025 has offered.

Right after the first of the year, we have the second of three Pluto in Aquarius-Mars in Leo oppositions. On the 3rd of January (and again in March), Mars retrograding will come into opposition with transiting Pluto. This is the TOWER. There can be a lot of sudden challenges or dynamics that can only feel like a frontal attack. Be ready for anything at this time….a sneak attack by a co-worker right after the holiday, a bomb being dropped by a spouse or a temper tantrum thrown by a grown child (or parent). Be cool. Expect the unexpected here….

We will see this Pluto-Mars opposition again at the end of April. What’s different this time, you say? Well, you had one opposition in November, the second in early January – you’re seasoned & well-prepared. This time, it might not be such a surprise and you’ll be able to act according to what you have learned – especially about this adversary.

Next, the month of March. This month, we’ll see the first of the 2025 Eclipses taking place – with the second one on March 29 being the most powerful. Why, you ask? Because there will be 5 planets, all within 7 degrees of this Solar Eclipse in Aries (Neptune, Saturn, Mercury rx, Venus rx and the North Node will all be in late degrees of Pisces) – that much energy within this tight area of the sky means pileups. The dissolving of boundaries or illusions. Things aren’t stacking up or the math isn’t working out. Your perception may get a massive hip-check at this time
– out of illusion and into a brand new reality. This might be a time where we really start to see some major truth (globally & personally) and it’s likely going to be a bit overwhelming.

Advice: as this starts to happen, going with the flow will likely serve you better. If you try and cling to the past, well, resistance is futile. Roll with it. Adapt. Expand your view, see new options. Dance. If you resist, you’ll be dragged.

Now….take a little time to get your sea legs and June will be a welcome change.

On June 9th, Jupiter rolls into Cancer. Jupiter LOVES Cancer…it’s exalted in this sign and it will reside there for the next year. It’s actually great that this is happening right at the same time the business markets, the Corporate world, the banks may go a bit nutty. Again, ride the tide. June 17, there’s a Mars in Virgo will square Uranus in Gemini, AND Mars will also square Saturn and Neptune in Aries – this is a big deal for the MASCULINE ENERGY fighting with EVERYONE. Particularly, Mars energy that wants the old paradigm of the Patriarchy solidified….nope.

Instead, your job is to be cool through this period – let the people and things go that are going to go…. Welcome in the new. Focus on the New Moon in Cancer on June 24-25th. This New Moon is conjunct JUPITER. Damn – a perfect time to launch! A book, a career, a honeymoon….anything you launch will be amazingly successful!
Walking on the rubble of the old world, your new life is about to take off.

One more date to pay attention to: the Full Moon on August 9: this is a Full Moon in Aquarius on the same day as Mars in Libra opposes Saturn & Neptune in Aries… Full Moon in Aquarius is full cycle of the dreams launched as we moved into 2025, the releasing of anything that didn’t work and the keeping of things that did. The Mars opposition is again the final energetic expression of the war-like fury, railing against any illusions of the past that did not come to pass. Time to let it go.
Move into the future with this brand new dance. Flowing with the future you, the newly launched you and the “you” you are becoming. Pretty cool.

Now, if you want to take this one step further & want a private reading from a Soulful Revolution CERTIFIED reader – yes, these amazing readers have trained with me and if you want personal attention on YOUR 2025 — click here and set up your own reading. Ask your questions & get ready for this ride of a lifetime. You’ll be glad you’re prepared!



You have taught me so much. I started listening to your wonderful videos after my Husband died in 2021. Well, I learned a new life perspective. Your advice and psychic information were often spot on. Thank you so very much.


OMG!!! the DANCE totally caught my attention!! Dance is one of my primary love languages!!! I dance with my kids, grandkids, pets an my self and others ALWAYS!!! love this


Mary Jane, I cannot tell you how much your guidance and astute readings of the planets and more help me. This blog to bring in 2025 provides dates and times to be aware and prepared for what is to come!!
~ In huge appreciation.


Thank you, MJ! Great information to start off the new year with a glimpse of what’s coming and days to watch out for…so dance it is


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