This is an issue. Someone could be losing a job or more money goes out than in to your bank accounts. You can also be in a situation where you’re feeling cut off from luck or prosperity and you’re in need of a fast infusion of cash and good luck. Sometimes, this card can mean…
The four of Pentacles is all about holding on… sometimes, way too long. When you see this card, you should ask yourself, “what am I holding back?” or… “what are they holding back?” A lot of times when I see this card I think of someone covering up their heart with a pentacle… meaning, they…
You’ve reached a new level of success. Mastery of your craft leads others to your path. You’ve got something that others want and now, you’re getting attention of clients and an adoring fanbase. You may also need to collaborate to get to the next level… no one can do it alone. In reverse, you can…
You’re agile and able to manage a lot. You may have several sources of income, dating two people at the same time or holding down a job while building your side hustle. That’s a lot of energy going out… sometimes you can get a little overburdened or burned out. Sometimes, this can lead to the…
This is the beginning of a lifetime. Your ship is coming in and you’re about to be rewarded for all the effort you’ve been putting in. You start a business or a lifestyle and the potential is off the charts. You’re on the road to material success and achievement. In the reverse, you’re resisting this…
The King of Swords is sure of one thing: himself. He’s always right… at least in his mind. He has an uncanny knack for seeing the future and being able to communicate in a very clear way. This is not a warm and fuzzy person… but a great man to have around as you buy…
This is the Queen you want on your side as you look for a new home, interview your next boss or find out what went down between your husband and that slutty next door neighbor. The Queen of Swords is not afraid of confrontation – nor is she phased by the answers to her embarrassing,…
Don’t get in this Knight’s way, you’re apt to lose a finger or your whole arm. Fast-moving, this Knight rides bravely forward, ready to take on any challenge. They’re a great debater and always eager to get their point across. In the reverse, this Knight wants to talk a situation to death… and then disappear…
This Page is very dispassionate and would rather detach from a sticky situation than confront the news. He has an active and curious mind – but never lands on any particular area of interest for long. In the reverse, the immaturity means this person is gone in a flash when the heat is on. Unreliable…
This is the ultimate card of endings. Not only that, but someone stabbed you in the back ten times too boot. That’s a disaster, an ending that you have no ambiguity about: it’s OVER. The good news? Things can only get better from here. In the reverse, you get up and start to heal. In…