Soulful Revolution Classes
Questions are the core of what we do – every tarot reading begins with a great question and a desire to know more. We receive so many incredible questions from this community that we’ve put together a series of workshops and classes to discuss and share information on the most common (and sometimes most challenging) questions. Thank you for your interaction with the channel — and, as always — helping me to create content that resonates strongly. The courses and workshops below are created with all of you in heart and in mind.
Sedona Retreat – Afternoon Sessions$499.99
Mission & Purpose COMPASS – Astrology Extra Pack$199.00
The Wisdom of Tarot$355.00
Karmic Pathway Class Bundle$99.00
Soul Contracts Class Bundle$89.00
Chiron in Relationships: The Soulmate Contract$59.00
Working with your North Node Self-Paced Class$45.00
Re-Program Your Subconscious MIND$35.00
Self-Love v. Self-Care and How to Achieve Both$35.00