An ever curious, eclectic mystic of the Pacific Northwest; Lanita is an intuitive tarot reader, energy healer, and plant spirit alchemist. Always learning and evolving, she utilizes shamanic practices, is trained in past life regression hypnosis, and has a heavy background in Christianity. All of this colors her readings, as well as nature, music, poetry, and the endless array of passions that interest and inspire her.
Lanita honors the intimacy of tarot with complete confidentiality, and always strives to come to the table with gratitude, honesty, vulnerability, and empathy, as well as a good old-fashioned sense of humor. Tarot consultations with Lanita are Spirit-led, holistic, and tend to center around the key relationships in one’s life – most importantly the relationship with self – and they may be inner-work heavy. Together, with bravery, compassion, and delicacy, we examine concepts such as self-accountability, integration of unconscious material, and the interconnectedness of all facets of one’s life.
Lanita was so kind, unhurried and compassionate, while being very focused on what the cards and Spirit was telling her, as opposed to what I may like to hear.
Lanita is open and friendly. She seemed comfortable and confident… She did a great job!
It provided me with confirmations and motivation… Thanks so much, it was a great experience!
She kept pulling the same cards from different decks and she was just spot on
I liked her style, vibe, her genuine interest in her reading