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5 Bad Habits that BLOCK Your Intuition

You get a funny feeling about that house….and you don’t buy it. You learn later there’s a terrible mold problem & the new owners are spending thousands to fix it. You walk into a room where two people sit, but you know there’s something *else* going on here. Later, one of them tells you about…

Welcome to the 11/11 Portal!

This is a *powerful* energetic gateway & will be instrumental in shaking things up (in a good way, of course!) For most of 2023, we’ve been in a holding pattern and now, we’re about to hit the gas. The Grand Cardinal Cross of July 17 was sowing the seeds of *action* and now, as we…

Welcome to Wild October!

Libra season has felt like a break from so much resistance and wound healing that this year’s retrogrades have offered us…so now, I think it’s safe to sound a bit of an alarm about what is approaching: there’s about to be some energy you need to prepare yourself for early in October. Let’s start with…

September Soul-stice: Embracing Spiritual Renewal!

Were you excited to go back to school as a kid? If not, you will be NOW! Well, we all know what time of year this is: back to school time and I’m stepping up to deliver on some of the REQUESTS you guys have made of us over the summer. The really juicy learning…

Hello Soul Tribe!

As we welcome in Leo Season and August, the very first day of August is going to present you with a wonderful option: Start collaborating. Seriously, find those who are ready to take flight, hold hands and do so TOGETHER. This Aquarius Full Moon is lit….and it’s really supportive of anything you want to accomplish.…

The Latest From Soulful Revolution in July!

Astrology is power. Mark this date on your calendar: July 17, 2023. This is the date you have with your Spiritual Destiny.  Many of you have come into the awareness that you and the Cosmos are one – we are made of the same stuff and as energetic beings, we are all connected. There is…

June Newsletter

One of the most common (and most enduring) questions I receive about relationships is this: can astrology show me WHO my soulmate is? The answer to this is yes, of course….but the more important question that hardly ever gets asked is: How can I be happy & fulfilled in my soulmate relationships? Oh, of course,…