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October 2024 Themes: The 3D makes way for the Call of the Soul

We’re going to barely welcome in October – the final quarter of this *pivot* year 2024 – when we get the final Eclipse of 2024. In the sign of Libra, this is as much a *tying up of loose ends* and old chapters (especially in love) as it is a drawing up of the plans…

Karmic Lessons Wrapping Up & A New Spiritual Path is Calling

Welp, the first few days of September do not disappoint. Heading into September we have Venus *finally* feeling delicious again as she heads into one of her signs of rulership: LIBRA. So…this is gonna feel good. Especially to those of you who have a lot of Libra in your chart. Taurus, the other sign of…

Can I find past life connections & lessons in my birth chart?

No matter what philosophy you follow, there is some discussion of our actions, and the ripple effects it can have through our lives. Cause and effect. Sin and absolution. Karma and atonement. In terms of ourselves, we can see blind spots, patterns and situations that seem to follow us, seemingly until we turn and face…

Can Astrology tell me if I am a Twin Flame?

Astrology is a powerful tool that shows us our lessons, our wounds, our Superpowers….and our destined relationships. Astrology is a method of telling time by planetary alignments, to be sure, but it goes much deeper than a cold recounting of the stars, the planets, the Sun and the Moon. We are made up of the…

How do I Connect with my Guides?

So – you want to connect to Mary Magdalene or St. Germaine, do you? I think that’s GREAT. There is so much wisdom in forging relationships with these powerful teachers and guides. But let’s back up… Do you have a solid relationship with….wait for it….yourself? Many of us want to get right to the meat…

Why does my Intuition STOP talking to me?

OK….let’s dive in. The reason you’re not connecting to your Intuitive Guidance System is you’re not in your body. When you’re up in your head and everything is swirling around you, this is what being *ungrounded* looks like. Your intuition isn’t really *up there* – it’s anchored in your body. Your body, with all it’s…

5 Bad Habits that BLOCK Your Intuition

You get a funny feeling about that house….and you don’t buy it. You learn later there’s a terrible mold problem & the new owners are spending thousands to fix it. You walk into a room where two people sit, but you know there’s something *else* going on here. Later, one of them tells you about…

Welcome to the 11/11 Portal!

This is a *powerful* energetic gateway & will be instrumental in shaking things up (in a good way, of course!) For most of 2023, we’ve been in a holding pattern and now, we’re about to hit the gas. The Grand Cardinal Cross of July 17 was sowing the seeds of *action* and now, as we…

Welcome to Wild October!

Libra season has felt like a break from so much resistance and wound healing that this year’s retrogrades have offered us…so now, I think it’s safe to sound a bit of an alarm about what is approaching: there’s about to be some energy you need to prepare yourself for early in October. Let’s start with…