A burst of creativity and inspiration shows up and it’s exhilarating! A brand new creative beginning is happening and the potential is unlimited. This can also be a creative spark, the beginning of a business or a passionate new romance. In reverse, this can be a delay in the new beginning or news that puts…
The sweet beginnings of a love affair or a heart-felt apology. The Page of Cups is that very new puppy love feeling, that pass him a note in class heart racing moment. When you see the Page of Cups in a reading, know that something tingly and fluttery is on the way… it’s very sensitive…
This Ace heralds the beginning of a new love affair. A happy situation is about to start or is already in the beginning stages. Aces are about potential so it’s important to identify this new love — you’re being asked by the Tarot to keep an eye out for the presence of all types of…