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March 2025

Before I dive headlong into April, I want you to focus in on one particular shift in the March skies: Neptune.

Why – after ALL I JUST SAID – is this the most important energy?

Because it’s the most CONFUSING. Especially if you are ungrounded.

Neptune is the energy of spirituality, emotions, dreams, the subconscious and represents the blurry line between reality and fantasy. What Neptune is doing in March is heading for the door, out of Pisces where it has been for the past 14 years. Pisces is ruled by Neptune so at its very highest level of consciousness & frequency, it is your connection to God and the Universe. It is unconditional love, beauty and creativity. At it’s lowest, it is twisted nightmares and emotions run amok. In other words, have the last 14 years been an ascendancy into Spirituality or a descent into hell for you?

Either way, we’re moving into a different chapter when Neptune moves from Pisces into Aries on March 30. With that shift, all we have learned about our level of consciousness (particularly tested in March) will become apparent to all. This is why staying grounded, no matter the spin, no matter the drama, will be key. Keep connecting with Spirit, keep doing your healing work and stay at peace. The Aries energy will be a breath of bracing I AM to each of us as we realize that we trusted ourselves and our intuition and here we are, the better for it.

One other note to make before we leave March: the Venus Kazimi. A Kazimi happens (otherwise known as star point or combust) when a planet conjuncts the Sun. It’s also the retrograde’s midpoint. For Venus, this will be happening at 2 degrees of Aries on March 22nd, just two days after the Sun itself hits Aries. Noticing a lot of 2’s are you? If so, it’s a lovely energy that emboldens Venus to dream a big dream, because it FOR SURE can be built. For the dates, Venus goes direct April 12th so the beautiful future you’ve dreamed for yourself during this return to Pisces is ready to be launched.

And…the final beautiful element I want to point out to you is that – while all of this has been happening – Mars has quietly been gaining strength. Mars went direct Feb 23 but didn’t really wake up, still in that heart centered space of Cancer, until early March. I expect a lot of Divine Masculines will be reaching out to their Divine Feminines very soon….as long as those DFs have embraced and healed their own inner masculine. If that answer is yes, be prepared for an amazing Union filled Spring.

If you’re not a Twin Flame, do not despair…this is the season of love and romance and with Mars hitting Leo on April 17 and the Sun entering down to earth, commitment focused Taurus on April 19th, love and romance are about to take flight…as long as you have your feet firmly on Terra Firma.

Now, if you want to take this one step further & want a private reading from a Soulful Revolution CERTIFIED reader – yes, these amazing readers have trained with me and if you want personal attention on YOUR 2025 — click here and set up your own reading. Ask your questions & get ready for this ride of a lifetime. You’ll be glad you’re prepared!


Maya Rutherford

I love watching your videos, since my husband Chris’s death in 2021, which was swift and aggressive (stage 4 colon cancer, undetectable till it was too late, he died within a month and 2 days of diagnosis) I found you sometime in 2022. Your readings give me the strength to focus on drawing my light out and for strength to be a better person. It’s hard some days, but that’s the test isn’t it? Thank you, for your light.

Teena Sheppard (twinscorpio73)

I’ve been an avid follower and subscriber since 2018, I am still enjoying your abundance of knowledge, guidance and daily readings. Your twin flame readings over the last few years have been particularly helpful. Keep doing what you do because sharing your gifts are a blessing to us all. XO


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