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“Timing is Everything” Mastering the Art of SOULMATE TIMING in Astrology

It’s hands down, the most frequently asked question I get during my Birth Chart & Twin Flame Astrology groups: WHEN? I’ve read a ton of material about this topic, but if you want a book to help you go deeper, I heartily recommend Trust Your Timing by Vogue Astrology whiz Alice Bell.

Let’s say you are wondering when you will meet your soulmate. If you ask this of an astrologer, they will identify times that will be MOST FAVORABLE for these kinds of significant romantic events by looking at two things: the transits of three specific planets and how they relate to the 5th, 7th and 8th Houses….the Houses that have to do with relationships, marriage and intimacy.

A Transit chart shows where the planets are on a specific day, time and a place in relationship to your birth chart. So…you can read one, two or ten years into the future and see where the planets will be in relationship to your birth chart.

There are three planets/points you’ll want to pay attention to as it relates to love timing: Jupiter, Saturn and the Lunar Nodes (you’ve likely heard me talk AT LENGTH about the North and South Nodes – but if you haven’t here’s a class to get you up to speed).

First, Saturn. As we’ve discussed so many, many times, Saturn is a taskmaster. This is a tough love teacher and the one you, most likely, will learn the most from (at least the lessons you learn will be far reaching (Saturn is also about time…and longevity).

  • Saturn transiting in your 5th House can mean this is not a super high priority for you right now…in fact, you may not care about dating or relationships at all. In fact, you may be focused on anything except dating and love.
  • When Saturn transits your 7th House, this can be an *all or nothing* time for relationships – either it’s going to withstand the tests this two and a half year span will dish out (it takes 2.5 years to go through each sign)– or not. It’s a time of re-evaluation and learning, to say the least. Serious re-evaluation happening here.
  • When Saturn transits your 8th House of Intimacy, this is a time when putting in the hard work of deepening a relationship can yield big time results. You may need to look at your partner’s 8th House to be sure they’re on board with the work. Either way, it will help YOU know what is important to you in your intimate partnerships.

Next, Jupiter. Jupiter is all about expansion – in this case, happiness and growing a relationship. Jupiter takes about 12 years to transit all the signs and as it does, it lights up the areas of your life determined by that House.

  • When Jupiter transits your 5th House, there are a lot of potential partners that might show up. An abundance, one might say! This is an excellent year to meet a lot of potential partners…don’t close yourself off!
  • Transiting your 7th House, this is a time you could meet someone significant.
  • When Jupiter is transiting your 8th House, if true intimacy is to be achieved, this is the perfect time. Real expansion of a relationship occurs now. I always say: if you want to know how a relationship is really doing, look at what’s transiting through the 8th House.

Finally, the Nodes (aka North Node, South Node, the Lunar Nodes, Nodes of the Moon). The Nodal transits indicate real change and transformation. I’m going to also expand this particular point to indicate additional Houses that (when the Nodes are transiting) can be activated by their purpose: turning ON your mission and purpose. You know there’s a South Node directly tied to a North Node and those Houses can be considered as well. Some of you are on the Twin Flame journey and this transit may be of specific importance to you.

  • When the NN/SN is transiting through the 1st & 7th Houses, this is about your goals vs the other person – does it match? Or at least align or *go together*? This nodal transit in these houses show you if someone can balance their own life with someone else’s.
  • The Nodes transiting the 5th/11th Houses…..how is this romance integrating with your *tribe*? Will they accept this person or be rejecting? You may also see one or both of you dumping your friends for true love…which might end up being really challenging once you want to connect with friends.
  • The Nodes transiting the 8th/2nd Houses – deep feelings of unworthiness will be the healing necessary for deeper intimacy, while some level of risk – likely vulnerability – will be the key to long lasting connections.

If you want to go deeper, jump into my Twin Flame Astrology group – or the Birth Chart group – and we’ll see what other secrets your Birth Chart yields!


Kathy Blair

Wow!! This was incredibly helpful!! Thank you for taking the time and energy in doing this for all of us MJ!! You are truly an awesome soul!!


Αmazing blog! Do үou have any helpful hints for aѕpiring writers?

I’m planning to start my own site soon but I’m a lіttle lost on everything.
Would you propose starting with a free platform like Ꮃordpress or
go for a paіd option? There are so many options out therе that I’m totally оverwhelmed ..
Any suggesti᧐ns? Tһanks a lot!


Thank you M.J. your north node class I took couple of years ago and I learned so much helpful information, for myself and family. I walk away from each reading and Pathfinder session feeling empowered and have a since of clarity. Thank you for being that guiding light for so many of us.


It’s so very, very, very interesting and a reminder that I have sooooo much to learn! Thank you for always saying it in a way that’s easy to understand.


So many things making sense now. Hidden knowledge can be accessed and used to navigate our lives and experience joy and abundance, and to “use the energy, that is the point of Astrology…..and to not be doomed by your birth chart”,,,(from one of your readings). WOW!!!! Hearing this today has helped me decide to just jump in now and DO IT> Thank you. You are a wonderful teahcer.


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